Fostering the collaborative efforts of our members to promote humane care for companion animals in our community.

Who We Are
The Metro Denver Animal Welfare Alliance (MDAWA), formed in 2000, is a coalition of 25 public and private shelters, rescue groups, and other animal service providers.
Our Members and Partners
What We Do
Through collaboration, education, advocacy and resource sharing, MDAWA works to increase companion animal adoptions, reunite more lost pets with their owners, spay/neuter more pets, and decrease the number of relinquished pets. Every day, the staff and volunteers of MDAWA member organizations work tirelessly to do the best for each animal that comes into their care. MDAWA members also provide a variety of critical support services and resources to companion animals and their owners.

Pets Served in Metro Denver in 2023
Some Ways
MDAWA Organizations Help:
- Adopt homeless animals into new homes
- Return lost pets to owners
- Provide care for stray animals
- Vaccinate and spay/neuter owned pets and shelter animals
- Provide other veterinary care
- Provide pet food and other supplies
- Provide temporary crisis boarding
- Investigate cases of cruelty and neglect